
Health care system in Portugal - tips and experiences

What about the healthcare system in Portugal?

We have heard a lot of people saying that Portuguese healthcare isn’t good.

In fact, the Portuguese healthcare system is one of the best in Europe. It ranked 13th in Europe in 2018 and even ranks higher than Italy, the UK and Spain. The national healthcare system (SNS) is free for all Portuguese residents and almost all doctors speak english.

Take a look at my new video where I explain everything about private insurance, private clinics and my experience with healthcare in Portugal so far.

Private insurances:

- Medis https://www.medis.pt/

Hospitals in Lisbon:

- Luz: https://www.hospitaldaluz.pt/lisboa/pt/

- CUF https://www.cuf.pt/

Recommended dentists:

- White clinic: https://whiteclinic.pt/en/

What has been your experience with the health system so far? What do you recommend?

If you need some more information or are looking for advice, don’t hesitate to ask me in a comment down below.

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